Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Love - A Meditation Based on 1 Corinthians 13:4-8a

Being loved by you is amazing.

Often – if I’m honest – I’m slow to catch on to your leading, or even just plain difficult to deal with. I sometimes wonder why you bother but you don’t shout at me, or force me into submission. I’m sure I frustrate you but you keep on showing patience.

There are times of worship I have known, both in a corporate context and on my own, when you have touched my life and made me feel so happy; not because I’ve deserved it, just because you are kind and you love me.

You’ve no reason to envy me; I have nothing you need, and I don’t compare well… It doesn’t bother you that I have time in my life for things other than you. I rather think that you take pleasure in what my God-given faculties are attuned to. You give generously, and are happy that I enjoy what you give.

If anyone has anything to brag about, you have; you made everything and it all belongs to you. You’re the only genuine Mr Big there is but you don’t use shock and awe tactics. You come alongside me quietly, without intimidating me, and that fills me with awe.

You came to our mess of a world as a servant. You played down your miracles, washed your disciples’ feet. Now, you seek out my lowly company, and that makes me feel special.

You never belittle or insult me – although I know I am nothing and you could quite justifiably call me all manner of horrible names; I have never known you be rude or off-hand or dismissive towards me.

You are the only being in existence who deserves worship, the only one worthy of glory – fact – but our relationship doesn’t seem to be about your getting glory at my expense. On the contrary, you want me to be like you, to share all that you are.

There’s no denying that my behaviour has been extremely provoking at times, and I couldn’t complain if you rained fire down on me. I’m not saying that you’ve never been angry with me but it seems to have taken a lot of effort on my part…

Even when I have messed up, and you out-manoeuvre me, get me cornered and make me face up to my mistakes and failures, once the matter has been dealt with, it’s gone. You never rake up the past and each incident is like the first with you.

You hate it when I mess up and suffer consequences, it doesn’t please you that I bring pain on myself; there’s no, ‘Told you so,’ from you. On the other hand, you absolutely love it when I get real. So do I.

You have spoken to me about difficulties I would have to face so that, when I faced them, I had somewhere to take shelter, something to hold on to, something that guaranteed I would get through the trial. You always protect me from ultimate disaster.

I’m far from perfect; even so, you let me take an active part in what you are doing, letting me loose in the lives of others. For some reason, you still trust me, despite the times when I’ve proven unworthy of your trust. When I reflect on that, it makes me want to do it right. Your love inspires me to better things.

Whatever I am now, you always see what I will be when your work is finished. You never, ever give up hope; you already know what the outcome will be! Your hope gives me hope, and I don’t have to live a life based on my past.

I’m still on the potter’s wheel being shaped, worked, and reworked. Even when – at least from my perspective – all seems lost, you keep on working. Thank you for that. Thank you, big-time.

You know what? You will achieve your aim for my life. You will transform me into your image. One day, I shall be like you. It is inconceivable that you, or your love for me, could ever fail. It's wonderful that you are growing that same love in me.

Being loved by you is amazing.


  1. awesome, mate =] Thanks for that, was good for the soul to read it.

  2. Cheers Linus. It blesses me that you were blessed. And thanks for the link. I've visited your blog and reciprocated on my main blog page.
